Royal blue shoes catch the quickly, quirky roving eye. Oh yes. Indeed they do.
You can listen to my fun, unexpected experiences while wearing my electric royal blue shoes and sauntering about my town.
My shoes are now a proven way to break the ice. I keep getting compliments from many who sees them. This morning a woman walking her little hyperactive, barky dog stopped and smiled, “I love your shoes!” A few months back, a senior citizen using a walker stopped while I held the door for her to enter a store, “Love those shoes! Your shoes are so beautiful!” Several months past, a neighbor stopped me and was overwhelmed. She kept oohing and ahing them. “Where did you get your shoes!? I want a pair!”
I’m truly loving this and, of course, so are my shoes which bring such delight. Let’s talk shoes as a prime ice breaker and nifty conversation maker.
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