Fat jokes aren’t so easy to crack anymore. More than a few household name comics were known for ribbing the portly and pleasantly plump among us. In a different comedic era, legendary Joan Rivers piled on the fat jokes - especially on to movie actress, the iconic Elizabeth Taylor. Today, Joan Rivers would be shamed for it.
In fact, if you try to make fun of any big bodied person you may find yourself in big trouble, or even dare I say cancelled. There’s even a term for it: Fat Phobia. Of course, in a clash of personalities - especially in front of a camera - two dynamic, type A guys such as Patrick Stewart and James Corden, will probably use just about any verbal dagger to prevail in a comedy contest of wills.
And in fact, in 2010, they did. Watch it here.
Isn’t it kind of sad for a man as well read and honored as Sir Patrick Stewart to stoop to embarrassing a chubby guy for having a big belly? James Corden could have gone a similarly easy route by bringing up the fact that Stewart is as bald as an eagle. Bald jokes are as low hanging comedy fruit as fat jokes, so it’s a comedy credit to Corden that he didn’t go there. C’mon my bald beauties and my chubby chasers, let’s talk up the time Captain Jean-Luc Picard fired phasers on tons of fun instead of simply to stun.
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