Sci-Fi Guy
Sci-Fi Guy
Podcast Episode 3: What The Hell Is Sci-Fi Anyway?

Podcast Episode 3: What The Hell Is Sci-Fi Anyway?

Sci-Fi, Science Fiction Describes A Lot In Literature and Popular Entertainment

“It’s alive! It’s alive!” - Universal’s Frankenstein 1931

Where will Sci-Fi take you today?

Or if it was dead, even undead, would it matter? Just ask Spock…

Sci-fi answers the call for all. That’s its irresistible allure, the power of science fiction, which seduces us fans so completely.

Science fiction makes the seemingly impossible possible - through employment of science, technology or other cosmic (alien) means. It doesn’t always have to be set in outer space or on an alien world - or even in the future for that matter - though those elements do contribute to its familiarity and popularity. Early examples of science fiction can be found in literature from authors such as Mary Shelley (Frankenstein), H.P. Lovecraft and Edgar Allan Poe, whose short stories span chilling sci-fi, but always with a thought provoking twist.

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