Sci-Fi Guy
Sci-Fi Guy
Doctor Mordrid: Doctor Strange Rip-off Impresses

Doctor Mordrid: Doctor Strange Rip-off Impresses

Jeffrey Combs plays Doctor Mordrid a magical protector of Earth. You know kinda sorta like Marvel's Doctor Strange. This 1992 low budget, cheap in a good way, yet highly enjoyable film impresses.

Doctor Mordrid desperately wishes to be like his far more famous magical cousin Doctor Strange. Does he ultimately succeed?

Well…. Yes and yes.

The good - and old, he’s at least 100 but doesn’t look a day over 85 - magical Doctor played by Jeffrey Combs, hurls powerful energy bolts, leaves his physical body via astral projection and possesses a powerful amulet which can stop time dead in its timely tracks.

Wow. Why does that all sound so familiar? Hmmmm… Deja-Vu dizziness…

Yeah. Sounds a lot like a former surgeon Marvel Comics fans know and love. Doctor Stephen Strange.


This 1992 cheapie - compared to even the cheapest Marvel blockbuster or even a Disney+ TV series - surprisingly and delightfully never really feels all that cheap. The acting, writing and production values all impress as first rate. At the time, the production company had secured the filming rights to Doctor Strange, but took so long in pre-production to produce an official Marvel movie, the rights lapsed. Instead of tossing away all that hard work, the Full Moon producers changed the Doc’s name and a few other details and abracadabra: Doctor Mordrid is born and thrust onto the unsuspecting pop culture landscape!

C’mon my maniacal magical monkeys. Let’s talk devious tricksters, stop motion and sorcery supreme with Doctor Mordrid, not the most famous spell caster around, nor even a tiny Marvel blockbuster, but certainly a fun flick worth your valuable viewing time.

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